Blog-house Insulation

COVID 19 – what’s it got to do with The HEAT Project


Improving home insulation and heating can help to improve health Two articles came across my computer screen this week which started me thinking. What are the connections between the work of The HEAT Project and the COVID 19 pandemic? The obvious answer is of course that they are both related to our treatment of the [...]

COVID 19 – what’s it got to do with The HEAT Project2020-09-30T10:58:08+00:00

What Do You Give an Energy Advisor Who has Everything?


What Do You Give an Energy Advisor Who has Everything? What is the most pleasing gadget you could give a Home Energy Advisor? A Seek Compact camera, of course! This wee gadget is a handy thermal imaging camera that plugs directly into your smartphone, rendering infrared light into a visible image on your [...]

What Do You Give an Energy Advisor Who has Everything?2020-08-24T15:48:22+00:00

What To Expect From An Energy Assessment Visit


What To Expect From An Energy Assessment Visit So, you’ve requested a free Home Energy Assessment and are wondering what happens next? My name is Rachel Comrie, Energy Advisor in The HEAT Project, and my visit to your home will take no longer than an hour of your time during which I will [...]

What To Expect From An Energy Assessment Visit2020-08-24T15:54:39+00:00

(Another) Winter is Coming


(Another) Winter is Coming As I write this, we are still in a long cold winter. Hopefully, by the time you read this, spring is just around the corner. But in any case, remember that another winter is already on its way! So with that cheerful thought, don’t forget about making your house [...]

(Another) Winter is Coming2020-08-24T15:57:10+00:00
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