John Swinney MSP introduced a motion welcoming the impact of the Climate Cafe Movement.
In his speech, and in responses from other MSPs – Graham Simpson and Mark Ruskell – the work of The HEAT Project (borne out of the Blairgowrie and Rattray Climate Cafe) was recognised as a good example of the benefits delivered by Climate Cafes.
Watch as the Scottish Parliament debates a motion “Welcoming the Impact of Climate Cafés” – a big moment for the Climate Cafe movement. The HEAT Project was mentioned as a good example of how the Climate Cafés works on with community projects!
The HEAT Project works regularly with Climate Café® Dunkeld & Birnam , Climate Café® Blairgowrie & Rattray & District and Climate Café® Pitlochry & District.
We would also like to express our thanks to the Climate Café movement, and especially to the pioneer Climate Cafe in Dunkeld and Birnam.
Watch as the Scottish Parliament debates a motion “Welcoming the Impact of Climate Cafés”
Key quotes about The HEAT Project
John Swinney (Perthshire North) (SNP)

The work of the Climate Café in Blairgowrie and Rattray has led to the creation of the HEAT Project, which is now an established organisation that has delivered direct energy saving advice to more than 700 households in north-eastern and highland Perthshire, helping achieve significant savings in energy bills. It is a regular source of free advice for communities across the local area.
Graham Simpson (Central Scotland) (Conservatives)

One that struck me was one that Mr Swinney mentioned, which is the HEAT Project in Blairgowrie and Rattray, which gives direct energy-saving advice to more than 700 households in Perthshire. That seems to me to be a really good example of how the Climate Café movement can work.
Mark Ruskell (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Green)

Such hubs can build only on what is established on the ground. The role of Climate Cafés is to incubate new ideas and get the conversation going to build the innovation. An excellent example of that, which Mr Swinney mentioned, comes from the HEAT Project in Blairgowrie, which emerged from a Climate Café conversation that recognised that those of us who live in properties in rural Scotland that are hard to heat need support and bespoke advice. That is exactly what the HEAT Project has been providing.
Thanks to all politicians from all parties who support Climate Cafes, and of course, The HEAT Project!